Katie Spotz April 1, 2021 Running, Charity, Inspiration, Training Running Everyday for a Month: Lessons Learned Katie Spotz April 1, 2021 Running, Charity, Inspiration, Training The #31for31 challenge began exactly one month ago from today. 31 athletes committed to run 3.1 miles everyday…
Katie Spotz January 8, 2021 Inspiration, Training Dare to Try Katie Spotz January 8, 2021 Inspiration, Training Would you rather be wrong about thinking you cannot run a marathon or right and actually run a marathon? Let’s chat…
Katie Spotz October 5, 2020 Faith, Inspiration, Training Endurance: Faith Was My Missing Piece Katie Spotz October 5, 2020 Faith, Inspiration, Training You have two friends and they both go on the same trip. They come back toy with stories to tell. The version shared by…