More than an outdoor company. Tested products you can rely on, no matter where you explore.

The team that not only supplied most of my gear needs, but also has Gearheads available 24/7 to help with deciding what gear would be most suitable.

Presenting Sponsors

High quality video lessons with experienced coaches.

Handcrafted in Washington State since 1965. Built for the long haul.

No more bonking. Keeps me going like the Energizer Bunny. πŸ‡

The coolest tent in the world. β›Ί

Setting the standard for over 50 years, made by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts.

The most accessible and adventurous eBikes ever. 🚲⚑

Coaching to live a wealthier, more fulfilling, and purposeful life by learning how to invest in real estate. KAYJAY’s Real Estate Bundle, Instagram Subscription, and 1 on 1 coaching will help you close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Maine-based Master Photographer & Maine Sports Photographer of the Year.

World’s strongest duct tape. Period.

Brining creativity to life by printing paper, apparel, stickers & banners.

Training workshops that give me a solid foundation of skill and knowledge on the water.

Keeping me dry and comfortable no matter what the weather. 🌧️

Rugged and lightweight solar panels. ⚑

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