In April 2022, ultra-endurance athlete and world-record holder, Katie Spotz, faced one of her greatest physical setbacks yet — enduring a fully-ruptured ACL, partially ruptured MCL, and sprained wrist while embarking on her last adventure.
Zero to 100 is Katie’s comeback from surgery, testing the limits with a 100-mile race as part of the Yeti Trail Runners Race Series, less than one year after the accident.
But it’s more than an adventure, it’s an opportunity to raise funds for a clean water and sanitation project. Click here to help Katie reach her target of raising $15,000 for a water project in Peru. Each step Katie makes will be one step closer to a world where every person has access to clean water.
About the water project
Chances are you turn on a tap everyday and water comes out. Clean. Yet there are nearly 771 million people on our planet without access to safe water to drink.
In Peru and around the world, millions are navigating the COVID-19 pandemic with the added challenge of living without access to safe water. Now more than ever access to safe water is critical to the health of families in Reque, Peru.
Water changes everything. Clean water gives children the opportunity to attend school and get an education. With education, communities are able to raise up strong leaders, making it possible to break the cycle of poverty and allowing future generations to improve their quality of life.
Proceeds from the Run4Water will support 735 people with clean water and better health for years to come.
support the cause
Sponsor-a-mile for $50/mile or match-a-mile + donate $50 for every mile you walk or run.
the training
⌚Follow along Katie’s training journey by viewing all her workouts on Garmin Connect.
Monday, Run (hill repeats)
Tuesday, Weights
Wednesday, Run
Thursday, Weights
Friday, Run (long)
Saturday, Run (long)
Sunday, Yoga
The Race course
meet the coach, ARABELLe higgins
Jane of all trades in endurance as an UESCA certified Ultrarunning Coach, Certified Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher, and Personal Trainer.
meet the crew mom, deb meeks
Deb earned the title of Crew Mom after successfully pacing and crewing multiple ultras across the country including Katie’s last world record, Run4Water across Ohio.
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
gear sponsors
The watch that lasts as long as I do. ⏱️
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
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