3 minute read
Maintaining physical motivation is a struggle in times where we need to stay home. Watching the news can leave me feeling too physically drained to do anything besides slip into my favorite pair of llama PJ pants and lifting tubs of ice cream to my face. Living in an uncertain world got me thinking about other generations and how they overcame difficult times.
Years ago I heard a podcast about living to be a centenarian and making it see 100. What was most surprising was how those with the most number of years to their lives were not the super-fit. They weren’t the Olympians, body-builders, or marathoners. Nope, they are ordinary people who moved their body all throughout the day with a more gentle approach. They moved their bodies to walk instead of drive, hand wash the dishes instead of using the dishwasher.
Maybe it’s time to get back to basics so we can get back to movement. Let’s learn a few tips from our elders and create minor adjustments to our new behaviors. Our health and our bodies are so worth it!
These feet were made for walking. And that’s just what they’ll do.
Instead of finding short-cuts, I am finding the path of most resistance to increase my step count. If you have to step out during the day, think about walking or cycling instead of driving. When taking the car, park at the furthest end of a parking lot. There are always a few extra steps I could always be taking – I’m challenging myself to go the extra mile.
Find something, anything to clean!
Feel the burn while you mop, vacuum, and unload the car! Think of small alternatives requiring more elbow grease like making a morning brew with a French press instead of a drip coffee maker. I’m opting to wash dishes by hand even more so these days, it gets me moving more and saves water. Sorry Romba, but every bit of movement counts so you are going into the closet for the time being.
If you’re watching TV, put on a comedy.
Have you ever laughed so hard that your abs hurt the next day? No joke: it’s a great work-out. Studies in the International Journal of Obesity have found that laughing raises energy expenditure and increases heart-rate 10-20%. Just 15 minutes of laughter a day will burn 10-40 calories.
And, if there are commercials, that is your time to work-it.
I’m taking that time to do 20 push-ups, 10 burpees or even 30 squats. The key is to mix it up each break so all major muscle groups are activated.
Drink like a fish
Water that is! Consuming lots of liquids helps me to get up at least once an hour and keeps me from sitting too long. I minimize water intake the hour before bedtime to prevent disrupting my beauty sleep.
PSA: I avoid drinking water from single use plastic bottles. It’s more important than ever to respect the resources of our planet.
YouTube is your friend and Richard Simmons is waiting for you
Who needs a gym anyways when you’ve got Richard? Another go-to fave at the moment is Yoga with Adriene with guided yoga videos. She has lots of different 30 day series and is constantly adding new content specific to your goals. Although goat, puppy, or kitten yoga isn’t possible from home, Adriene takes you on inner space travel with yoga with alien.
With or without the gym, your health and fitness can be maintained with everything you have - right now. The body doesn’t need hard effort. It just needs more of the easy effort. Your body will thank you for it!
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