School hand washing stations, bathrooms, and septic tanks in the central highlands of Guatemala in support of the Peace Corps "healthy Schools " project. The initial benefits of the project will be the availability of hand washing stations and sanitary facilities such as bathrooms, flush toilets , latrines, and septic tanks. All of these structures will improve the sanitary environment of the schools and provide a focal point for the teachers and Peace Corps volunteers to train hygiene habits.
Fountain Keeper
School hand washing stations, bathrooms, and septic tanks in the central highlands of Guatemala in support of the Peace Corps "healthy Schools " project. The initial benefits of the project will be the availability of hand washing stations and sanitary facilities such as bathrooms, flush toilets , latrines, and septic tanks. All of these structures will improve the sanitary environment of the schools and provide a focal point for the teachers and Peace Corps volunteers to train hygiene habits.